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I love to bake at my parents house where there is a wonderful array of electric gadgets and a variety sizes of baking tins (although there is always the very real risk you'll nip to the toilet and come back to find the cat sitting in the mixing bowl.) There is also an oven. Here in Spain it seems quite common for people to have no oven at all. In our flat we do have an oven, but its more of a modern décor art piece as it is falling out of its little hole and doesn't turn on. To replace it we've been provided with a free standing grill/oven that plugs into the wall. Me and the grill/oven got off to a bad start because one of the first times I tried to make toast in it, the bread fell down the back and immediately set on fire. This taught me two valuable lessons - firstly, you shouldn't let the bread fall down the back and secondly it seems that we don't have a fire alarm...
Obviously not having a fire alarm presumable should be illegal, but so should not having an oven, because what the hell can you bake if you don't have an oven? The answer, dear readers, is obviously Easiest Ever and Most Delicious Lime Cheesecake. This is a wonderful recipe to make when you're living abroad because the ingredients are easy to find, you don't need any equipment and its so delicious all your new friends will think you're a god.
The recipe is adapted from the Philadelphia website's Key Lime Cheesecake Pie. I tried to make it more like a mojito by adding rum and mint, and more lime juice.
Some hints and tips...
Be careful when melting the butter because if you get distracted it might go all frothy and smell weird and you'll have to do it again.
The one piece of equipment that's hard to find might be a case to make the cheesecake in. You need a 20cm-ish tin. I found some disposable foil cases in the supermarket so I bought them, but equally you could line a large pan with foil and make it in that. If that won't work, try making the cheesecake in individual glasses or jars, which also looks really fancy.
Easy and delicious mojito lime cheese recipe
160g Digestive Biscuits
40g butter, melted
250g Philadelphia Original (or any normal cream cheese)
397g tin condensed milk
To flavour
2/3 limes
Mint leaves
1. Make the base: Bash the biscuits until they are all crumbs. You will need a blunt instrument like a pestle and mortar, rolling pin or a wine bottle. Mix two glugs of rum in with the melted butter. Combine the crumbs with the melted butter mix and press the mixture down, firmly, into the dish/pan/glasses. You might need a bit more melted butter. Pop the base in the fridge to get nice and FIRM!
2. Make the filling: Beat the cream cheese with the condensed milk. It may take a little while to get rid of lumps, especially if you're using a fork because you don't have a whisk or other mixing tool, but it'll be find with a bit of time. Zest the lemons and juice them, and mix that into the cream cheese along with a couple more glugs of generous, but don't be too generous or it'll all be a bit sloppy.
3. Make the cheesecake: Spoon the cheese mixture on top of the base and put it back in the fridge to set. If you're short of time you can put it in the freezer, but don't leave it there too long as it's hard to eat when completely frozen! Garnish with some fresh mint leaves.
While you're waiting for it to freeze, obviously you should make yourself several mojitos.
Sourcing these ingredients in Spain:
Some tips for finding cheesecake ingredients in Spain :)
Butter - mantequilla (Tulipan is margerine)
Philadelphia Original is sold in most supermarkets, I got the own brand version.
Condensed milk is easy to find and is called leche condensada. You could replace this with whipping cream too (nata para montar)
Limes in Spain are called lima. Now, in some Latin American countries they call limes 'limon verde' or even call lemons 'lima' so it can get confusing, especially if the fruit shop owner in Spain isn't Spanish... limes don't seem to be so common in Seville but I got mine from Mercadona.
Rum - ron. I recommend Negrita because its cheap and good quality.
Mint leaves - mente (or you can use hierbabuena which is sometimes easier to find)
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