Yahoo has predicted the following weather experience for Graz (where my training week is) and Amstetten (my "Final Destination") [<<<<<< ***AnOtHeR cUlTuRaL rEfErEnCe!!!!!****]:
"Yahoo" indeed! Time to put the woolly jumpers back into the loft and whip out my sexy tankini! Hellooooooo boiz :-P
Also my extensive research has unearthed yet more treasures. Amstetten has it's own indoor heated swimming pool - but this is no ordinary indoor heated swimming pool: IT'S A NATURE POOL!!
A nature pool is very different from a naturist pool. The company which installed it's air conditioning, Menerga, describes it thus:
"The planting vegetation of the property has been adopted into the swimming pool hall, thus intensifying the expression of a nature pool idea. The existing nature could be maximised to a real nature experience through the transparent composition. A glass facade leaves the impression to bathe under the sky."It looks really cool, here's a photo of the pool and also a photo of how I expect I shall be relaxing after soothing dip:

I have also edited and photo-shopped a passport photo to attach to all my forms. I blended out my wrinkles!! Who needs foundation when you are a technology pro!?
Please don't leave a barrage of negative comments on my hairline, it affects my self-esteem.
After 5 days of recieving continual abuse in Manchester (I quote: "Sarah this room stank when you lived in it" "Well you did live in squalor" "look, Lauren brought a floor lamp. What did you contribute to the house? NOTHING" "Nothing but a stinky room" "Looking at the pale skin on your arms is like staring at a sack of bones. It's revolting." etcetcetc ad infinitum *crying* *facepalm!!!!*) I am now back at home and starting some Serious Packing.
Q: What's backwards in packing?
A: PaNIcking?
do you get it? I'm panicking when I'm packing, then I'm back-tracking, then I'm whacking (myself on the head and crying).
I leave on Monday though so it will all have to have come together by then - and being a confident, independent and articulate young woman, I just know it will be!
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